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Deportation Orders
Experienced Deportation Defense Attorneys in Nassau County – (516) 806-4070
Recent efforts from the federal government, most notably the executive branch, have increased the number of deportation orders and removal orders issued to people who have entered the country illegally or who do not have the proper paperwork. The United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is tasked with ensuring anyone who has been ordered to leave the country do so according to set time limits. Otherwise, the deportation will become forced and the immigrant’s problems will multiply.
The Consequences of Deportation
After deportation, the individual is sent back to their country of origin. Re-entry to the deporting country often gets restricted for a specific period, sometimes permanently. The deportee may face challenges like rebuilding life in an unfamiliar place, emotional distress, and potential stigma. Legal re-entry might be possible with proper procedure.
Understanding Your Rights: Legal Support for Immigration Matters
Navigating the complexities of immigration law can be overwhelming, especially when facing deportation or other legal challenges. At Kapoor Law Firm, we believe that every individual deserves to understand their rights and options. Our experienced attorneys are dedicated to providing you with the information and support needed to make informed decisions about your case.
Here are some key aspects of your rights that we can help you understand:
- Right to Legal Representation: You have the right to seek legal counsel to help guide you through the immigration process.
- Right to a Hearing: If you're facing deportation, you have the right to a hearing before an immigration judge, where you can present your case.
- Right to Appeal: If a decision is made against you, you have the right to appeal that decision, and we can assist you in filing the necessary paperwork.
- Right to Family Unity: In certain situations, you may have the right to remain in the U.S. to keep your family together.
Our team at Kapoor Law Firm is committed to advocating for your rights and ensuring that you receive the best possible outcome. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can assist you in your immigration matters.
Get Help with Your Deportation Appeal Today
Kapoor Law Firm and our immigration lawyers in Garden City have years of experience helping people appeal their deportation orders and stay within the U.S. If you or a family member have been handed a deportation order, contact us as soon as you can to start talking about your appeal options during an initial case evaluation.
Board of Immigration Appeals: Hearings & Arguments Explained
People facing deportation often have the right to try to stop the removal but do not know where to begin. Even undocumented immigrants can attempt to stay within the country through various means.
In most cases, the appeal process to remove a deportation order begins in one of two ways:
- Request a cancellation from the court issuing the deportation order
- File a complaint with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which should be processed through the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA)
The BIA has the authority to extend the time you are permitted to stay within the country, cancel deportation orders, and even protect you from any future ICE efforts to deport you. It manages appeals on a case-by-case basis and often does it solely by reviewing the appeal on paper. You might not be able to schedule a hearing before the BIA but you should still prepare your appeal with an immigration attorney’s help to make it as effective as possible.
Your Argument for Stopping Deportation: Key Points to Prove
- Your removal is unlawful due to your immigrant status.
- Your removal will put you or your family in immediate physical danger.
- ICE agents illegally detained you in order to deliver the deportation order.
- The original deportation order was invalid.
Steps to Successfully Appeal a Deportation Order
To appeal a deportation order, you must express your intent to appeal when the judge makes the decision. Within 30 days, you must submit an appeal to the Board of Immigration Appeals using the Form EOIR-26. It’s advisable to have an attorney on your side when appealing a deportation order.
Contact Kapoor Law Firm for Immediate Assistance at (516) 806-4070
For people who are undocumented, the BIA might not even read the appeal to stop the deportation. The better solution may be attempting to adjust your status to receive a legal visa or lawful permanent resident (LPR) status. Call and talk to our Nassau County immigration attorneys to decide what to do.
Stop Your Deportation With a Well-Made Appeal
You do not have much time to lose if ICE has already targeted you for removal from the country. While it is true some parties are permitted to stay in the country for months or more before removal, some people face near-immediate deportation.
Start thinking about how you can appeal and stop it right now by contacting Kapoor Law Firm and our Nassau County immigration lawyers.
Reminder: Never attempt to resist ICE detainment or an arrest conducted by a police officer carrying out ICE orders. Doing so is a crime and can place your safety in jeopardy.